These days, it’s all about what we can do to keep ourselves and others healthy. We’re all washing our hands more, using hand sanitizer, and (hopefully) staying home when we’re feeling under the weather. While these are great ways to prevent illness, we can’t forget about our #1 defense system against getting sick: our immune systems!
What does your immune system do?
Great question! Every day, we are exposed to millions – if not billions – of microscopic germs that carry disease, infection, viruses, and bacteria. GROSS!! Your immune system is like your body’s shield from all of these teeny things that are trying to interrupt your ability to CRUSH IT.
No, really! Our bodies are actually so fragile that without an immune system, we could keel over and die just from catching a cold.
Thankfully, your shield is equipped with white blood cells that help to target cells that are sick or infected – and eliminate them. Without white blood cells, those damaged cells would wreak havoc on your body or multiply and turn into tumors.
CBD + your Immune System
No matter who you are, how old you are, or what kind of health issues you have, you can benefit from taking CBD daily.
CBD is chock full of anti-inflammatories which helps to keep your body’s systems calm and regulated. When your systems become inflamed, it’s a direct response to some kind of external toxic substance. As your body fights off the germ, it becomes inflamed and exhausted, much like you would if you had to fight off something trying to harm you. CBD may help to bring your body back to normal so it can live to fight another day.
Furthermore, it’s no secret that stress can have a dire effect on our immune systems. If you’ve ever been through a particularly stressful time in your life and found yourself getting sick right in the middle of it, you’re not alone – and it wasn’t a coincidence.
Taking CBD supplements may help to relieve stress that takes a serious toll on your body. It helps to activate the serotonin receptors in your brain that bring you feelings of relaxation and joy. Regular CBD use may also help promote blood flow to your brain, giving you more oxygen and allowing you to think more clearly in stressful situations.
There’s a lot more research that needs to go into CBD and what it can do for our immune systems, but the possibilities so far look pretty great! If you’re ready to start your journey into CBD and what it might be able to do for your immune system, check out our full line of products. We have everything from tinctures to body butter and much, much more!
Don’t know what to get that special someone for the holiday season? Grab a few CBD products. There’s something for everyone!